PennSpring has been selected as a
Top 50 PE firm in 2025.
There is a New Leader in the Lower Middle Market
Founded in 2018 by proven entrepreneurs and self-capitalized from the proceeds of multiple outlier exits, PennSpring has evolved from family office to among the most active private equity firms in the country – with 10 acquisitions completed to date.
At PennSpring Capital, we unlock liquidity, empower growth and elevate executive careers. We are a people-forward investment firm, with a focus on EBITDA opportunities of $750,000 - $5 million. We have the agility to work with companies not yet ready for institutional funding – and the ability as operations and sales leaders to scale them to those heights. We partner with company management, roll up our sleeves and help get the job done.
Investment Strategies
Private Equity
Our investments in companies span a diverse set of industries and geographies, but at their core are based on a similar set of fundamental attributes. And we customize our transactions based on the owner’s specific growth and liquidity goals.
The right CEO is the final piece required to take a company from high-potential to high-profit. Our unique buy-and-build program combines an outstanding industry leader with rigorous analysis, committed capital and world-class advisory services.